Neurocare Centers of America

Neurocare Centers of America

Can Stress Cause Depression?

Can Stress Cause Depression? –

Stress is the body’s reaction to physical or emotional demands. Emotional stress may play a part in causing depression or be an indicator of it. A stressful circumstance can initiate feelings of depression, and these feelings can make it more challenging to cope with stress.

High-stress situations, such as losing a job or ending a long-term relationship, may lead to depression. However, not everybody who experiences these events becomes depressed. Biological components may explain why one individual facing a stressful circumstance experiences depression and another does not.


The loss of a family member, a divorce, and relocating are significant life changes that may cause stress. Research links an elevated stress structure and excess levels of cortisol in the body to depression and other health issues, including heart disease.

Whenever the mind feels threatened, the body produces more stress hormones, such as cortisol, to help the body fight or flee the threat. This situation works well if you are in real danger but only sometimes benefits you.

Other examples of events that may cause stress include:

Can Stress Cause Depression
  • Getting into a fight with your spouse or partner.
  • Loss of job
  • Major natural disasters, such as earthquakes or tornadoes, may damage or destroy your home.
  • A car accident may cause physical, emotional, and financial stress.
  • Being attacked, robbed, or assaulted.


Particular lifestyle choices may also contribute to your stress levels. These situations are especially true if they affect your health or you become dependent on unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Lifestyle choices that may increase your stress include the following:

  • Excessive alcohol drinking
  • Insufficient physical activity
  • Smoking or drug use
  • Being a “workaholic.”
  • Not having a well-balanced diet
  • Lack of sleep

Sometimes, the constant pressure of daily life triggers a struggle or evasion response. This situation may lead to complications, including depression. However, in other cases, stress doesn’t relate to the development of depression.

Depression may cause experiencing and coping with events in life more challenging. Stress always happens, but with depression, you may not feel as prepared to deal with them. This circumstance may worsen the symptoms of depression and anxiety in certain situations.



  • ACUTE STRESS: A single event or temporary situation may cause acute stress. Events that stress you, such as an exam or an acute injury (broken bone), may cause this stress.
  • CHRONIC STRESS: Stress may also last long without feeling like it is easing. In these cases, the events of illnesses may cause ongoing stress, or there may be no apparent explanation for your anxiety. The result of personal, lifestyle, or chronic health problems may be chronic stress. Common causes of chronic stress include the following:
  • Financial problems
  • High-pressure job
  • Personal or relationship problems at home
  • Insufficient support from family or friends



While stress may generally harm your physical and mental health, it may be especially damaging if you suffer from depression.

Stress can cause you to feel less able to preserve positive habits or coping strategies, which are essential for managing depression. This situation can produce symptoms of depression that feel more intense. Disrupting a healthy routine may lead to negative coping techniques, such as drinking or retreating from social relationships. These actions may lead to more stress, which can worsen symptoms of depression.

Stress may also affect your mood, as anxiety and irritability are common responses to stress. When a stressor makes you anxious, the pressure may lead to more unpleasant feelings or frustration, even if the stressor is temporary.

Stress management techniques help cope with depression. Stress relief may also help prevent the development of depressive symptoms.

If lifestyle choices cause stress, consider changing how you approach your personal or professional life.

Talking to a therapist, counselor, or other mental health professionals may help deal with anxiety, stress, and depression. Research proves that talk therapy, combined with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), or medication, is a solution for depression and chronic stress. 

An individual suffering from depression has issues dealing with problematic situations. When that individual is dealing with depression, things may seem more harmful than they are. Events that would usually take in stride may seem more problematic or impossible to handle.

Individuals suffering from depression should look for medical help. Depression may worsen without medical attention and affect the individual’s quality of life.

People should take seriously any suicidal thoughts or comments about not wanting to live anymore. If you or a cherished one is facing a crisis, seek medical help.

You are not alone. At Neurocare Centers of America, you are an essential member of our team. Contact us. We are here for you.