Neurocare Centers of America

Neurocare Centers of America

What Is TMS Therapy?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy

Innovative Medication-free Treatment for Depression

Apollo TMS Therapy, Neurocare Centers of America

If depression appears to be in control of your life, you are not alone.

Over 16 million people in the U.S. suffer from depression.1 And more than 4 million people are not satisfied with their current treatment with antidepressant medication.2

TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) Therapy is an advanced technique that uses pulsed magnetic technology, similar to MRI-strength magnet, to stimulate areas of the brain that have low metabolic activity. The process helps invigorate the brain’s natural ability to build new or improve the function of networks that control mood and behavior, which provides relief from depression.

Antidepressants not working? TMS Therapy Can Help

 FDA Cleared



 No side effects of drugs

 Not ECT (electroconvulsive therapy)

 Long lasting symptom relief

 Covered by most insurance

 Over 2 million treatments delivered

Apollo TMS Therapy, Neurocare Centers of America

TMS Therapy is widely reimbursed by both private and public health insurance companies. It is also recommended by the American Psychiatric Association if an individual has not received the needed benefits from one antidepressant, TMS Therapy should be considered as a next treatment option instead of changing to a different antidepressant.

TMS Therapy is...


TMS Therapy is focused on the areas of the brain that control mood so it does not negatively affect thinking and memory functions, or any other normal brain functions.


During TMS Therapy, there is no need for sedation or anesthesia; patients are awake, alert and are able to resume normal activities after a treatment session.

No Side Effects

TMS is 100% free of medication side effects. Unlike traditional antidepressant, TMS Therapy does not cause weight gain, sexual dysfunction, nausea, fatigue or negative cognitive effects.


Typically, only a 6-week course of ~20 minutes per day treatments are needed, unlike medications that can take months to stabilize mood. After a course of TMS Therapy, long-lasting benefits.


TMS Therapy uses magnetic energy to stimulate brain cells which helps them to naturally release needed chemicals necessary for proper mood regulation.

How Does TMS Therapy Work?

TMS Therapy is an FDA-cleared safe and effective non-drug depression treatment for patients who are not satisfied with the results of standard drug therapy.

This proven treatment option provides benefits without the side effects often associated with antidepressant medication.


TMS Targets Select Brain Circuits

These are images from a SPECT Scan3 (single photon emission computed tomography) scan of the cumulative results from 12 men receiving TMS.

The red-orange in these images show increases in blood flow in the brain as a result of TMS treatment. The bottom left image shows increased blood flow below the TMS coil. Other images also reveal increased blood flow in deeper brain regions involved in mood regulation and correlate with how TMS treats depression.

This scan is an example of how TMS only directly effects the brain circuits involved in mood regulation and not other circuits as medications do, resulting in unwanted side effects.

Neurocare uses the technology of Apollo TMS Therapy to achieve remission for our patients with treatment-resistant depression.

If you, or someone you know and love still suffers from clinical depression after multiple treatment attempts, TMS may be the answer. The possibility of achieving remission – and a full and robust life after treatment with TMS – has proven very promising.
Apollo TMS Therapy at Neurocare

Content References: 1. National Institute of Mental Health; 2. Kessler RC et al. (2003).; 3. Kito, S, et al. (2008).