Understanding that every situation is unique, our Neurofeedback treatment plans are individually tailored to our patients’ needs.
Our Approach
At Neurocare Centers of America, our teams leverages advanced technologies to assess each patient and develop a personalized Neurofeedback treatment plan. Our methodology includes complete Quantitative EEG (QEEG), sleep and psychometric evaluation.
This process is done by having each patient first complete a QEEG and a full psychometric assessment. This allows the therapist to take into account the biological, psychological and personal factors of the person’s situation.
Each person also completes a minimum of a 7-day sleep assessment called Actigraphy as well. This process allows the therapist to look at sleep/wake behaviors to see if this could explain some of the symptoms we are seeing.
From this assessment, the therapist will develop a treatment program that is most likely to help with the person’s symptoms.20
Non-invasive (does not involve surgery or anesthesia or sedation)
Non-systemic (does not travel through the bloodstream like a medication)
Has minimal side-effects
Facilitates natural learning – through active participation (i.e. the client is changing their own brain behavior, not the Neurofeedback device)
Unlike medications that typically lose their effect over time, long-term, sustainable effects can be achieved in a short period of time (usually 3 months)
Improves sleep quality and efficiency for overall improved health and well being
Can often reduce or eliminate the need for medications for the symptoms of ADHD
Results in brain activity improvements that are significant and long lasting
The underlying causes of inattention, hyperactivity, impulsiveness or sleep difficulties are not typically the same in any two patients. Because of this, we create our treatment plans based on the unique brain activity levels of the person, whether a child, adolescent or adult.